Monday, January 22, 2007

January Revel Report

We had a good turnout at the revel, although many regulars were absent. New member Carrie brought her young sons – I may have lost track, but I think there were four or five, and some youth combat practice was done. We had surprise visitors at the practice, longtime member and former seneschal Lord Gavin and Sir Jocelyn le Jongleur. Gavin, Lord Torashi, Lord Geirmundr and I all donned armor and practiced a bit. Lady Terryl’s garage is as promised, highly suitable for single combat, with plenty of room for others to stand back and watch the fighting in reasonable safety.

In the evening, we dined on stew, delicious sauerkraut and sausage, meatballs, roast chicken and other delicacies. I provided mulled wine, which was not that timely, considering the number of young men in attendance. We discussed upcoming projects, and I proposed, as suggested below, that I form a committee to plan a somewhat upgraded version of Founders Day for the 25th Anniversary of the shire. This met with agreement. We will report back on our plans, I hope, at the February Revel and business meeting.

Lady Eron suggested that we might want to consider new t-shirts and the like for the shire to commemorate the occasion, and Geirmundr and I were able to report that we have already been looking into this. is a very convenient method, cost free for set up, but we need suitable art. Eron, of course, is just the person for this, so we will consult. In my opinion, we’ll need both regular Stormvale wares, hats, t-shirts, cups and so forth, and also specialized items to commemorate the 25th year.

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